Colossi of Memnon
Luxor West Bank Day Tour colossi - of - Memnon - Egyluxortours

Colossi of Memnon

Colossi of Memnon, or The Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep was the most oversized temple to be built on the west bank, covering an area of 35 hectares and one of the latest structures in Egypt.

At the time of construction in the modern kingdom, it would have superseded The Temple of Amun at Karnak in size. The modern name for Amenhotep’s temple is Kom el Hetan It is located about half a kilometer to the South-east of Madinat Habu.

Colossi of Memnon

Amenhotep’s mortuary temple must have decayed rapidly, possibly due to the water content of the land it was built on. Until recently all that remained to identify the site were two giant colossal statues of the pharaoh which stood at its entrance gateway, known since antiquity as the colossi of Memnon.

Colossi of Memnon during the Nile inundation

By early Dynasty XIX, Merenptah was able to reuse many blocks from the site of Amenhotep’s temple for the construction of his funerary monument nearby.

Amenhotep’s chief architect was Amenhotep son of Habu, Who must have gained such importance in the royal court that he was granted his mortuary temple and was deified in the Late Ptolemaic times.

The design of the temple seems to have been unique in that parts of the structure lay in the Nile floodplain so that the waters of the inundation would have flooded areas of the eastern course.

Colossi of Memnon

Explore Luxor for one day

  • Visit The Colossi of Memnon are two massive stone statues representing Pharaoh Amenhotep III seated on Egypt’s throne, the two statues only remained from the great mortuary temple of the king Amenhotep.

Then We’ll proceed to enjoy a wonderful guided trip to the land of the dead, where the sun sets and people journey to the afterlife!!

  • Explore the tombs of the Valley of the Kings, which was called in ancient Egypt, (pr n heh) means the house of eternity!

The Valley of the Kings is the ancient burial ground of many of Egypt’s New Kingdom rulers, the most famed collection of tombs. It includes 64 royal tombs dating back to the modern kingdom of Egypt. The most famous tombs In the Valley of the Kings are Tutankhamun’s tomb, The tomb of King Ramses VI, The tomb of King Seti 1st, and the tomb of King Hormehep.

  • Enjoy visiting the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut, and explore the ancient Egyptian necropolis on the west bank of Luxor. Investigate. The celebrated temple of Hatshepsut (c.1473–1458 BC), the queen who became Pharaoh, Is located here, in Deir al-Bahari.

It was Made up of three man-made terraces that gradually rise toward the sheer cliff face, this structure Is truly a sight to behold.

The site of Deir el-Bahari was sacred to Hathor, The goddess who nursed and reared every king, including their mythological ancestor, the god Horus, in Egypt’s primordial past.

  • Karnak temple is the largest religious center and was dedicated to the cult of Amun_Ra the sun god for the ancient Egyptians, it is the most impressive sightseeing all over Egypt, it was considered to be a history book stating the history of Egypt from the Middle kingdom until the Ptolemaic times.

Luxor was the capital of the New Kingdom of Egypt, It had grown in importance during the Middle Kingdom when it was a sanctum of God Montu.

Book now and Enjoy Luxor Day Tour From Hurghada, travel to Luxor via Our Egy Luxor Tours private A/C vehicles to explore Egypt’s ‘open-air museum’. Our Egyluxortours Egyptologist guide will tell stories along the way During your visit. Check This Luxor Article.

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