Merenptah Merenptah was the 13th son of Ramesses II, and it was he who eventually followed his father toward 1213 B.C., after his father’s (too) long authority. When he took control, Egypt was no longer what it was in the time of the 18th Dynasty. It was a weakened polity, unethical, but still had resources that
Ancient Egypt cosmetics. It is not concealed from the mentality that the ancient Egyptians also cared about the life of immortality after the Renewal in the Garden of Eternit “Ayaru”. Among those sciences in which the ancient Egyptians excelled are astronomy, types of medicine, anatomy, engineering, astrology, and other sciences. The ancient Egyptians created a
King Ahmose 1 expelled the Hyksos. Ahmose was seventeen at the time when his father was killed in one of the battles against the Hyksos. After his father’s death, his brother took power for only three years, and then Ahmose took over when his brother died for unknown reasons. Military campaigns during the reign of
King Tuthmose 3 King Tuthmose 3 was one of the most powerful kings of ancient Egypt, he is the sixth of the pharaohs in the eighteenth dynasty, and he received rule of Egypt at a young age, and due to his young age. Tuthmose 3 (variously also spelled Tuthmosis or Thothmes), occasionally called Tuthmose 3 the Great.
The industry in ancient Egypt. The industry in ancient Egypt is as old as its civilization, It dates back seven thousand years. The ancient Egyptians were among the first peoples to make glass from desert sand, Archaeologists have uncovered for the first time the remains of a Bronze Age glass factory, where skilled artisans made glass
Astronomy in ancient Egypt Astronomy in ancient Egypt, The Egyptians about six thousand years ago, relied on the solar calculation on which the nations and peoples who came after they relied their year consisted of 365 days divided into 12 months of thirty days each, and the remaining five days were holidays. The Egyptians are
Mummification of the ancient Egyptians is the soul’s gateway to life after death. We were able to discover the method of mummification, and its techniques are as follows Removing the brain from the skull by suction through the nose, using the chisel and hammer to cut through the nasal wall, and then pulling the brain
Architecture in ancient Egypt played a significant role in ancient Egyptian civilization, with the construction of monumental structures being a hallmark of the civilization. The Egyptians built a wide variety of buildings, including temples, tombs, palaces, and fortifications. One of the most recognizable architectural forms. In ancient Egypt is the pyramid. These massive structures were
Sculpture in Ancient Egypt. A seated statue of the king (Kha Shakhmawi), one of the oldest statues of Egypt. The king is shown wearing the crown of Upper Egypt, sitting on his throne, with his left hand clasped on his chest, while his right-hand rests on his knee. The base is adorned with inscriptions depicting
Obelisks in ancient Egypt. Obelisks in ancient Egypt are towers and thin, vertical stone columns with 4 sides, the top of which ends with a small pyramid; Famous for the ancient Egyptian Pharaonic civilization Where hieroglyphic writings and royal and religious drawings were carved on their ribs. The Arabs called it an “obelisk” because it